To Job-Seekers

RecruitPRO Consultancy Hong Kong Limited (licence no 72957) is licensed as an employment agency by the Labour Department of the Hong Kong Government. 
Service Agreement between RecruitPRO Consultancy Hong Kong Limited and Job-seeker
RecruitPRO Consultancy Hong Kong Limited will not charge any fees from Job-seeker.
Below is the service agreement between RecruitPRO Consultancy Hong Kong Limited and Job-seekers. Please click to download from Google Drive and sent the completed document back to for processing, thanks.

Service Agreement between RecruitPRO and Job-seekers (Please click to download, thanks) 

Service agreement between RecruitPRO and Job-seekers
Privacy Policy
Under Hong Kong Employment Ordinance Section 56(1):
A licensee shall (a) maintain a record of (i) all job applicants registered with his employment agency; and (ii) job applicants who, at the time of registration, were not residents of Hong Kong and who were placed in employment in Hong Kong by his employment agency, containing the person's name, address, Hong Kong Identity Card number or, in the case of a non-resident, passport number and citizenship, fee and commission received, date of employment and name and address of employer; and (b) keep such records available for inspection at the place of business of the employment agency by the Commissioner, or by any public officer authorized by him in that behalf, at all reasonable times.
If you have any question about the release of your personal data to RecruitPRO, please kindly contact us or Employment Agencies Administration of Labour Department.
The personal data collected by RecruitPRO will be used for the purpose of recruitment process ONLY. All the information will be treated in strict confidential.
Your personal data will be used by RecruitPRO and may be transferred to our clients after gaining your consent for the recruitment process. You are required to make sure that all information provided is correct and true.
Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to request access to and request correction of your personal data. If your wish to exercise these rights, please submit written request to RecruitPRO Consultancy Hong Kong Limited.
請注意!!!BE AWARE !!!最近發現有人通過電話或whatsapp冒充本公司員工, 對此事本公司已經報警,并交由警方處理。如對來電者或發whatsapp的身份懷疑,請在辦公時間內(星期一至五, 9AM-6PM)致電本公司熱線電話23887911核實來電者身份, 謝謝!Recently our company have found fraudsters pretend our staff through phone or whatsapp. We have already reported and handle this case to the Police. If you have any doubts about the callers’ identity, please call our hotline 23887911 within our office hours (Mon – Fri, 9AM-6PM) , thanks.